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Configure authentication - IBM Connections

Portal requests data from the IBM Connections server via the IBM Connections search API. By default, access to public data is not secured. In case security is enabled for that application, authentication is required. We can use on of the following authentication methods: basic authentication and LTPA forwarding.

This procedure helps you set up authentication using a shared slot in the portal credential vault. You will need an IBM Connections user ID to configure the credential vault. The user ID does not need to belong to a real user. It can be an Ithat is only used for integration. This user ID needs to be able to authenticate to the IBM Connections server. No other access rights are required.

Configure authentication for either basic authentication or LTPA forwarding.

Option 1: Basic authentication

  1. If basic authentication is used, specify the credentials for the user ID in the portal credential vault.

    1. Click Administration > Access > Credential Vault.

    2. Add a vault slot for the following name: com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.federation.credentialSlot.search.basic_auth

    3. Select a shared vault slot, and enter the user ID and password of the IBM Connections user.

    4. Specify an existing resource or specify a new one.

Option 2: LTPA forwarding

  1. If LTPA forwarding is used, specify the full DN of a user ID in the portal credential vault.

    1. Click Administration > Access > Credential Vault.

    2. Add a vault slot for the following name: com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.federation.credentialSlot.search.ltpa

    3. Select a shared vault slot, and enter the DN of the IBM Connections user ID.

    4. Enter an arbitrary password. The password is actually not necessary to create the LTPA token, but the credential vault portlet requires a password for a vault slot.

    5. Specify an existing resource or specify a new one.

  2. Restart the WebSphere_Portal server.

Parent: Integrate IBM Connections tags