Understand the conventions used in this documentation to use it more effectively.The following section provides conventione that can help you interpret the information that is provided in this documentation:
- File names, directories, and commands appear in Courier font.
For example:
- File name: xmlaccess.bat or
- Directory: /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer
- Command: startServer WebSphere_Portal
- Variables are either italicized, enclosed in brackets, or both.
For example:
, where is the fully qualified host name of the machine where Portal is running and 10039 is the default transport port created by WebSphere Application Server; the port number may be different for the environment.
- Variables are used to indicate root installation directories. For more information, see Directory structure.
- Directories are shown with forward slashes (/), unless operating-system specific information is provided. On Windows systems, use backward slashes (\) when typing at a command line, unless otherwise noted.
- Operating system-specific information is provided, for example:
./ task_name
- When reading z/OS specific documentation, you may encounter the terms UNIX or Linux. These terms imply z/OS UNIX System Services or z/OS USS when abbreviated. Outside the z/OS specific documentation, and unless otherwise indicated, the UNIX term implies *nix based operating systems such as AIX, Linux and Solaris.
- Tips on how to use specific topics are marked with a green check.
For example:
How to use this planning section
- Links to reference information and external links are marked with one of these icons:
- Most topics include a Related section that links to other relevant topics.
See the last section for an example.
Parent: Reference