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Page navigation element

A page navigation element provides navigation controls that are used to navigate through has a set of results generated by menus, navigators, personalization and search elements.

A page navigation element can generate two kinds of page navigation controls:

A page navigation element can combine both shuttle and paging controls, as in the following example.

Layout section: First Previous Continuation Page Numbers Continuation Jump to page Next Last Page size
Navigation example: << < ... 4,5,6 ... Go to page: > >> Items to display: 10 | 50 | All

When rendered the page navigation element might look like this:

Using the page navigation element in a remote rendering portlet

The page navigation element will not work when rendered in a remote rendering portlet that is configured to receive no links from other portlets. You must configure a remote rendering portlet to receive links either from "This portlet" or "Other portlets and this portlet" to use a page navigation element.

Create a page navigation element

We can only use a page navigation element by creating a page navigation component. We cannot add a page navigation element to authoring templates, site areas or content items.

Parent: Use a page navigation element


Use a page navigation element