WML tags used by the portal JSPs

Learn about the tags in the portal JSPs that are used for WML devices.

These tags can be found in the portal tag library located in the WebSphere Portal directory

The following taglib declarations must be provided in the parent JSP of the theme.

 <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal.tld" prefix="wps" %>
 <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal-wml.tld" prefix="portal-wml" %>

Use the tags described in this topic to modify the appearance and layout of the portal page.

Summary of the WML JSP tags

The following table provides a brief description of each tag. For more complete descriptions, see Detailed descriptions of the WML JSP tags . Do not use portal tags in portlet JSPs.

Tag Description
<portal-wml:popupMenu/> Generates the markup for a pop-up menu. This tag should be used only in theme JSPs for WML.
<portal-wml:popupMenuTemplate/> Defines the template used to define each pop-up menu item. This tag should be used only in theme JSPs for WML.
<portal-wml:popupMenuItem/> Defines a single entry in the pop-up menu. This tag should be used only in theme JSPs for WML.
<portal-wml:popupMenuParam/> Defines a parameter of a pop-up menu item. This tag should be used only in theme JSPs for WML.

Detailed descriptions of the WML JSP tags

The following tags are used by the portal JSPs. Some of the tags and attributes in the tag library are not listed here because they are either obsolete or should not be used for some other reason.

<portal-wml:popupMenu maxItem=" number">


<portal-wml:popupMenuItem item=" menu_item"/>

<portal-wml:popupMenuParam param=" n" trim="true|false"/>


Portal design reference
Drag and drop JSP tags

Tags used by the portal JSPs



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