Type ahead

Portal tagging and rating provides a query for the type-ahead feature. This feature allows users to get suggestions for tags that other users have applied already before. This feature can help reduce the number of variants of tags.

To query for the type ahead feature, use the following query:


where term represents the beginning of a term that a user is typing for which you want the portal to provide typeahead suggestions. The returned feed is by default sorted by relevance. This means that tags that have been applied more often are displayed before tags that have been applied less often.

This query allows you to modify all of the following:

You can configure how the tag names are displayed in terms of normalization. To do this, use the setting com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.normalization.typeAhead in the CP Configuration Service. The response of the suggestions is in the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format and consists of an array that contains the searched partial term and suggestions.
Example: If the search term is web, then the response to tos:typeahead&term=web contains the suggestions WebSphere, Website, and WebBrowser. The notation in JSON is as follows in the mime type application/json: ["Web", ["WebSphere", "Website", "WebBrowser"]] This is the format proposed by OpenSearch Suggestions extension Version 1.1 draft 1.

For more details about the type-ahead feature for tagging see the topic about How tagging and rating works in the portal under the section about the Type-ahead feature for tagging.


Other queries
Search for tagged content
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How tagging and rating works in the portal

Open Search - www.opensearch.org/Home

OpenSearch Suggestions extension Version 1.1 draft 1: www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/Extensions/Suggestions/1.1



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