Change the portal URI


You can change the default portal Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) after installation. There are a few applications that have a fixed context root that cannot be changed. You can also change WSRP URIs after installation.

The following application roots cannot be changed:

Do not specify a value that is the same as a directory existing in a portlet WAR directory. For example, if you set the portal context root as /images and there is also a portlet with the directory structure...

.this could cause a conflict if the portlet encodes URI references to resources in its own /images directory. In this situation, the portlet would be unable to display images because portal would look for the image resources according to its own context root path instead of the directory path that is specified by the portlet WAR file.

For changing the URI of a WSRP Producer portal: Change the WSRP Producer context root does not require that you redeploy all portlets. You only need to run the modify-servlet-path configuration task.

Change the URI

If you are modifying the URI in a clustered environment, perform the steps described here on the primary node only, except where specified differently.

  1. Stop the portal server.

  2. Backup and

  3. Edit file and set a value for WpsContextRoot.

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Edit and set values for...

    • WsrpContextRoot
    • WpsPersonalizedHome
    • WpsDefaultHome

  6. Save and close the file.

  7. Start server1 in a stand-alone environment or start the dmgr and nodeagent in a clustered environment.

    • cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine

  8. To change the following portal URIs...

    • wps
    • wcm
    • odc
    • pznpublish
    • ilwwcm-wcmsearchseed
    • UserProfileRESTServlet
    • PZN_Utlities
    • Personalization_Workspace
    • LWP_Mail_Servlets
    • SpellChecker
    • Personalization_Lists


      ./ modify-servlet-path -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

    .and restart server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers.

  9. Optional. To modify context root for the portlets:

      ./ modify-servlet-path-portlets -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

  10. If you are using an external Web server, such as an HTTP Server:

    1. Choose one of the following options based on the portal environment:

      Environment Steps

      1. Copy the following script from the plugin_root/bin directory to the WP_PROFILE/bin directory on the portal server:


      2. Execute the following command, from the WP_PROFILE/bin directory:


      1. Copy the following script from the plugin_root/bin directory to the dmgr_profile/bin directory on Deployment Manager server:


      2. Execute the following command on the Deployment Manager server:


    2. Regenerate the Web server plug-in in WAS. If you are using a remote Web server, copy the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to the remote server.

    3. Restart the Web server.

    4. Restart the server1 and the WebSphere_Portal servers.

  11. If you are using the Resource Manager portlet to manage site and you changed the portal URI:

    1. Open a command prompt and cd where portal is installed, on the corresponding OS; for example, in the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

    2. Enter the following command: enable-http-basic-auth-tai-sitemgmt -DWasPassword=foo

    3. Restart the server1 and the WebSphere_Portal servers.

  12. To configure the Syndicated Feed portlet on an alternate context root:

    1. Log on to the WAS administrative console.

    2. Navigate to Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications.

    3. Search for the PA_wp.feedspace application using filter function and then open it.

    4. Click Class Loading and update detection settings.

    5. Make the following changes to the settings:

    6. Click Apply and then click Save to save the settings.

  13. Complete the following steps to update the registered Application URI entries in the JCR.ICMSTJCRNODEREGISTER table:

    Cluster note: In a clustered environment, complete these steps only on the primary node.

    1. Stop the WebSphere_Portal server.

    2. Backup the database.

    3. Start the WebSphere_Portal server.

    4. Complete the following steps to deregister the nodetypes:

      • Open the ibmcontentwcm.registernodetypes file, located in the /WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/nodetypes/ directory.

      • Change <registerAction action="register"/> to <registerAction action="deregister"/>.

      • Update <ApplicationURI name="wps/mypoc/?view=auth&uri=wcm:oid:"/> For example:

      • Save changes.

      • Run the following task:

 action-register-wcm-nodetypes -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo

    5. Complete the following steps to register the nodetypes:

      • Open the ibmcontentwcm.registernodetypes file, located in the /WebSphere/PortalServer/wcm/prereq.wcm/config/nodetypes/ directory.

      • Change <registerAction action="deregister"/> to <registerAction action="register"/>.

      • Update <ApplicationURI name="wps/mypoc/?view=auth&uri=wcm:oid:"/> For example:

      • Run the following task:

 action-register-wcm-nodetypes -DWasPassword=foo -DPortalAdminPwd=foo

    6. Run the following SQL query to verify that the entries in the table now show the new URI:

    7. Restart the WebSphere_Portal server.

  14. Clustered environment only: Resynchronize the nodes and restart the cluster.

    Static cluster
    Cluster type Steps

    1. Open the dmgr console and go to...

        System Administration | Nodes | primary node | Full Resynchronize

    2. Click...

        Servers | Clusters | clustername | Stop

    3. After the cluster has stopped, restart it by selecting the cluster and clicking Start.
    Dynamic cluster

    1. Open the dmgr console and go to...

        System Administration | Nodes | primary node | Full Resynchronize

    2. Click...

          Servers | Dynamic Clusters | dynamic_cluster | Dynamic cluster members | member_name | Stop

      • Select the member name that you want to start and then click the Start button.

  15. Perform the following steps on each additional node within cluster to create WebSphere environment variables that IBM Web Content Manager needs:

    1. On each node, make backups of and

    2. Edit file and set a value for WpsContextRoot

    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Edit and set values for...

      • WsrpContextRoot
      • WpsPersonalizedHome
      • WpsDefaultHome

    5. Save and close the file.

    6. Run the following task to create the WebSphere environment variables for Web Content Manager:

        ./ create-wcm-servletpath-variables -DServerName=your_additional_server_name -DWasPassword=foo

    7. Restart the server1 and the WebSphere_Portal servers.

    8. You might need to redeploy all Portlet Apps after changing the portal URI.

Parent: Configuring


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