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Use the API

The workspace is the heart of the IBM Lotus Web Content Management API. Items are created, saved, deleted and searched for in the workspace item.

A workspace is basically an interface to Web Content Management that is associated with a user. Using a workspace item, the user can perform operations as that user.

To get a workspace item, first retrieve the WebContentService:

    // Construct and inital Context

InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); // Retrieve WebContentService using JNDI name

WebContentService webContentService = (WebContentService) ctx.lookup("portal:service/wcm/WebContentService"); } catch (NamingException ne) {

System.out.print("Naming Exception: " + ne); }

You then request one from the repository singleton with the following call:

webContentService.getRepository().getWorkspace("my username", "my password");

To get a workspace item without specifying a user name and password, use one of the following calls:

If the user is not recognized as a Web Content Management user, or for some other reason could not be authenticated , an "OperationFailedException" will be thrown.

Only Web Content Management users (including external LDAP users if enabled) are recognized.

For example, A workspace cannot be retrieved using an LTPA token.

Operations available on the workspace include:

  • Search for items with the provided "findBy" methods.

  • Creating new items of available editable types.

  • Saving and deleting editable items.

You must call endWorkspace() when finished with the workspace item.


You don't need to call endWorkspace() when using a JSP component as rendering and session management is handled by Web Content Management.

Use the setCurrentDocumentLibrary method to make calls library-specific.

If not specified, the default library specified in WCMConfigService.properties is used.

Parent topic:

The IBM Lotus Web Content Management API