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Create a feed configuration

To manage your Web content feeds create a feed configuration.

  1. Go to Administration > Portal Content > Feed Configurations.

  2. Click New.

  3. Type a name for the feed configuration.

  4. Type the URL to the feed.

  5. Select an appropriate Feed Credential Slot ID for the feed.

  6. Select the Web content library where the content should be stored.

  7. Select an appropriate Feed Credential Slot ID to use with the selected Web content library.

  8. Select whether to pass the handshake data in the feed or HTTP headers:

    In the HTTP Headers:

    The handshake data is exchanged using standard HTTP protocol header fields. This is the default and preferred method.Requests from the Consumer contain:

    • If-Modified-Since : {last-modified_value}

    • If-None-Match: {etag_value}

    Responses from the producer contain:

    • ETag: {etag_value}

    • Last-Modified: {last-modified_value}

    In the Feed:

    The feed producer puts the information in the feed and the consumer returns the values via the query string.Each time the consumer makes a request for the feed URL, the following query string is appended:

    • ?etag={etag_value}&lastMod={last-modified_value}

    Feeds sent back from the producer contain the following channel-level elements:

    • <lastBuildDate>{last-modified_value}</lastBuildDate>

    • <ibmfs:etag>{etag_value}</ibmfs:etag>

  9. Select whether to check the publication date or not. If selected, Web content items that have the same publish date as the feed source will not be processed.

  10. Select whether to use an XSLT style sheet or not.

    1. If selected, type the path to the XSL file relative to the /config/xslt directory in the feed Service application.

  11. Click either Save to save the configuration without consuming the feed, or Save and Consume to do both.

Parent topic:

Web content feed management