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Portal version and history information

You can use the WebSphere Portal version and history information tools to gather information about the portal installation. This information can be useful when you need a snapshot of the portal installation specifics, for example when you contact customer support. This information is automatically included in the automated data collection that is available when you use the IBM Support Assistant Lite for WebSphere Portal.

Version information:

The portal version information tool is located in the following directory:

You invoke the tool by using the following command:

You can also generate a report in html format by executing the genVersionReport tool

History information:

The History information tool can be used to gather installation history for the WebSphere Portal product. The History information tool is located in the following directory:

The History information tool can be invoked using the following:

You can also generate a report in HTML format by executing the genHistoryReport tool:

Parent topic:

Tools for troubleshooting and diagnostics

Related concepts

IBM Support Assistant Lite for WebSphere Portal