Advanced installation parameters



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Display the Ports Configuration panel

-W -W

Display the Ports Configuration panel in the GUI or console mode installation program.

Specify the WAS port range

-W adminPortBlockInput.startingPortToScan=port -W adminPortBlockInput.endingPortToScan=port -W adminPortBlockInput.portBlockSize=block_size

Specify the WAS port range to scan for and the port block size.

By default the installation program starts scanning for active ports at 10000 and ends at 65000 for WAS.

The block size cannot be less than 25 ports for WAS.

Specify the WebSphere Portal port range

-W portalPortBlockInput.startingPortToScan=port -W portalPortBlockInput.endingPortToScan=port -W portalPortBlockInput.portBlockSize=block_size

Specify the WebSphere Portal port range to scan for and the port block size.

By default the installation program starts scanning for active ports at 10000 and ends at 65000 for WebSphere Portal.

The block size cannot be less than 25 ports for WebSphere Portal.

Specify a specific PortalServer and AppServer installation location

-W was.location="/proj/WebSphere/portal/AppServer" -W portal.location="/proj/WebSphere/portal/PortalServer" -W"false"

Add these parameters to the install command to customize the installation directories for PortalServer and AppServer.

Modify the port file

-W adminPortBlockInput.portsFilePath=full path to ports file

Add this parameter to the installation command or in the response file to modify the port file, WASDefaultPortsFile.props, located on the Setup disc with the WAS port range.

The valid port range for WAS is 1 to 65535.

-W portalPortBlockInput.portsFilePath=full path to ports file

Add this parameter to the installation command or in the response file to modify the port file, WPDefaultPortsFile.props, located on the Setup disc with the WebSphere Portal port range.

The valid port range for WebSphere Portal is 1 to 65535.

Set the profile as the default profile

-W detectProfileAction.isDefault="True"

If installing coexisting installations, add this parameter to your installation command to set the profile as the default profile.

-W detectProfileAction.isDefault="False"

If installing coexisting installations, add this parameter to your installation command to set the profile as the non-default profile.

-W detectProfileAction.isDefault="True" -W detectProfileAction.profileName="your_profile_name" -W detectProfileAction.profilePath="C:\full\path\your_profile_name"

If installing coexisting installations, add these three parameters to the installation command to modify the default profile name and profile path.

Set the cellName

-W cellName.value=cellName

By default, the install sets CellName to the NodeName. Use this parameter to change the default to something that fits your business needs.

i5/OS ports configuration and profile name

-W setWASHome.startingPort=20000

For i5/OS: Add this parameter to specify the ports configuration.

-W setWASHome.wasProfile=my_profile

For i5/OS: Add this parameter to set the profile name instead of using the default.

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