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Enable logging

Create and set up the Feedback database. Then enable logging on the runtime server that hosts Feedback data.


s to create, set up, and enable logging of the Feedback database:

  1. Run...


    using the appropriate command:

      UNIX: ./ConfigEngine.sh feedback-database -DWasPassword=password -DInitalizeFeedbackDB=true

      Windows: ConfigEngine.bat feedback-database -DWasPassword=password -DInitalizeFeedbackDB=true

    • i5/OS: in the UserData directory: ConfigEngine.sh feedback-database -DWasPassword=password -DInitalizeFeedbackDB=true

  2. Run...


    using the appropriate command:

      UNIX: ./ConfigEngine.sh setup-feedback -DWasPassword=password

      Windows: ConfigEngine.bat setup-feedback -DWasPassword=password

      i5/OS: from the directory /UserData/ConfigEngine.sh setup-feedback -DWasPassword=password

  3. After you have created and configured the Feedback database, enable logging by performing the following steps:

    1. Open FeedbackService.properties from the appropriate location:

        UNIX: profile_root/PortalServer/config/config/services/

        Windows: profile_root\PortalServer\config\config\services\

      • i5/OS: in the UserData directory: PortalServer_root/config/config/services

    2. Set the property loggingEnabled to true..

    3. Restart WebSphere Portal.

Parent topic:

Feedback and analytics