Server topologies



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Topology diagrams help you visualize different configurations that you can setup to support various user and system load requirements.

The topology diagrams are representative of basic configurations.

The single server topology illustrates a simple installation for demonstration, trying the product out, or development environment purposes. The stand-alone topology illustrates a distributed configuration. Clustered topologies illustrate more robust and load intensive hardware configurations and Web Content Management topologies illustrate how different hardware configuration support various authoring and system load requirements. To increase capacity and availability, multiple portal servers can be clustered using IBM WAS Network Deployment, where the portals share a common configuration and load is distributed evenly across all cluster instances.The high availability and failover topology illustrates WebSphere Portal in a more complex production environment.


  1. Single-server topology
  2. Stand-alone server topology
  3. Horizontal cluster topology
  4. Vertical cluster topology
  5. Combination of horizontal and vertical clusters
  6. Multiple clusters
  7. Single-server topology for Web Content Management
  8. Dual-server configuration for Web Content Management
  9. Staging-server topology for Web Content Management

Parent topic:

Plan for WebSphere Portal