Uninstalling on i5/OS
If you have a complete and functional uninstallation program, you can uninstall WebSphere Portal only or both WebSphere Portal and IBM WAS.
Perform the following steps to uninstall WebSphere Portal using the uninstallation program:
- Prepare to uninstall on i5/OS
- Run...
s to stop the server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers from the profile_root/bin directory:
- stopServer server1 -username admin_userid -password admin_password
- stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password
- Verify that there are no other installations or uninstallations running.
- To delete the WebSphere Portal server installed on the WAS profile created by the installation program.
- Log on to an i5/OS 5250 session and type STRQSH to start the Qshell Interpreter.
- Ensure that all active servers are stopped.
- Run...
one of the following tasks, from the ProdData/PortalServer/V61/uninstall directory, for each profile you want to remove: product_offer is either Server or Content, depending on the product offering that you purchased.
WAS system type Command WAS installation with default ND path: /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V61/ND rmvwpprofile.sh -profileName wp_profile -username userid -password password Custom WAS path other than the ND default path (above) rmvwpprofile.sh -profileName wp_profile -username userid -password password -waslocation /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V#/Base, where V# is the WAS Version number such as V61 or V7
rmvwpprofile.sh -profileName wp_profile -username userid -password password -waslocation /MyWas
Add the leavedb=true parameter to the rmvwpprofile.sh command to keep the database information.
- Enter one of the following uninstallation commands: product_offer is either Server or Content, depending on the product offering that you purchased.
Option Description Console mode local ProdData/PortalServer/V61/uninstall/uninstall.sh Silent local ProdData/PortalServer/V61/uninstalluninstall.sh -silent
Parent topic:
Uninstalling on i5/OS
Previous topic:
Prepare to uninstall on i5/OS
Related tasks
Uninstalling manually on i5/OS