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Prepare the primary node on Linux

Before creating your high availability environment, install WebSphere Portal on the primary node and then configure your database and your network deployment manager.


Prepare prerequisite and corequisite software on Linux

Prepare the Linux operating system
To prepare the primary node:

  1. Installing WebSphere Portal on Linux on the primary node

    WebSphere Portal is installed as a single component, complete with an integrated database for storing information. This allows you to get WebSphere Portal up and running quickly for a proof of concept phase where you can immediately begin building and working with it. You can also expand your environment to include high availability failover, a more robust database, and LDAP-based authentication.

  2. Set up a remote database

    For high availability, using a remote database is preferred. For improved performance databases can be distributed across multiple database servers. Databases should also be configured for failover. Configuring the database for failover is beyond the scope of this documentation. Refer to the database product documentation for the most authoritative guidance about setting up databases for fail over.

  3. Configure the primary node to communicate with the deployment manager on Linux

    After installing IBM WAS Network Deployment and installing WebSphere Portal on the primary node, configure the primary node and the deployment manager to communicate with each other.

  4. Removing search collections on Linux

    If you plan to use search in a cluster, configure a remote search server; see Configuring Portal Search in a cluster. If created any search collections, recreate them on the remote search server. If your search collection has data, export the collection before deleting it and then import the data on the remote server.

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Set up a cluster on Linux

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Prepare the Linux operating system

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Choose the type of cluster to create on Linux