Prepare the WAS Deployment Manager on i5/OS
WebSphere Portal provides a customized installation package (CIP) that includes IBM WAS Network Deployment and all required maintenance packages. Use the supplied discs to install WAS Network Deployment on a dedicated system.
To prepare the WAS Deployment Manager:
- Install WAS Network Deployment or use the CIP to upgrade an existing installation. Run the following command:
- Use the manageprofile commands to create a deployment manager profile; see Profile concepts.
- Run the following command to start the deployment manager: startManager, from the DMGR_PROFILE/bin.
- Launch the admin console:
- Log into the deployment manager administrative console.
- Increase the HTTP connection timeouts for the deployment manager.
- Click System Administration > Deployment Manager > Web container transport chains.
- For the WCInboundAdmin and WCInboundAdminSecure entries listed in the web container transport chains section, complete the following steps to increase the timeout values:
- Click HTTP Inbound Channel.
- Change the Read timeout value to 180.
- Change the Write timeout value to 180.
- Save the configuration changes.
- Change the timeout request period for the JMX connector.
- Click System administration > Deployment Manager > Administration Services > JMX connectors > SOAPConnector > Custom Properties.
- Select the requestTimeout property, and increase the value from 600 to 6000.
- Save the configuration changes.
- Update the maximum Java heap size used by the deployment manager:
- Click System administration > Deployment manager > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
- Update the value in the Maximum Heap Size field.
For 32-bit OS, set the heap size to a lower size than a 64-bit operating system.
- Click OK.
- Click Security > Global security and select Enable Application Security. Then save the configuration changes.
If security is not enabled on your deployment manager, see Enabling security for information before performing this step.
- Verify that the WebSphere Portal administrative users and administrative group exist in the Deployment Manager cell's user registry.
Perform the following steps if creating the administrative users and group:
These steps are required if you plan to use a federated repository for the user registry or if the Administrator ID on the node does not match the Administrator ID on the Deployment Manager, where the ID is the distinguished name.
- Click...
Users and Groups | Manage Users | Create
- Type the information for the WebSphere Portal administrative users; for example wpsadmin and wpsbind, and then click Create.
- Click...
Users and Groups | Manage Groups | Create
- Type the name of the WebSphere Portal administrative group; for example, wpsadmins, and then click Create.
- Click the group you just created; for example wpsadmins.
- Click the Members tab.
- Click Add Users.
- Search for the users.
- Select the users you want to add to the group.
- Click Add to add the users to the group.
- Click Close when you are done adding users to the group.
- Log out of the administrative console.
- Edit...
Cycle the deployment manager...
- stopManager-username admin_userid -password admin_password, from the DMGR_PROFILE/bin
- startManager, from the DMGR_PROFILE/bin
Parent topic:
Prepare prerequisite and corequisite software on i5/OS
Next topic:
Prepare the Web server when portal is installed on i5/OS
Related tasks
Backing up the Deployment Manager profile on i5/OS
Restoring the Deployment Manager profile