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Associating an HTML rendering server with WebSphere Portal

After selecting a display number for the HTML rendering server (X virtual frame buffer for X server), associate this server with the installed WebSphere Portal profile.


Configure an HTML rendering server on i5/OS

To associate the HTML rendering server (X virtual frame buffer for X server) with WebSphere Portal:

  1. Log into the administrative console.

  2. Log into the administrative console. Depending on your version of WAS, make the appropriate selection from the navigation:

    Option Description
    WAS v6.1

    1. Click Servers > Application Servers.

    2. Select the appserver to which your application is deployed.

    3. On the Configuration tab under Java and Process Management, click Process Definition.

    4. Under Additional Properties, click Environment Entries.

    WAS v7.0 Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere appservers > Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management > Process definition.

  3. Click New.

  4. In the Name field type DISPLAY.

  5. In the Value field type host_name:n, where host_name is the TCP/IP host name of your system and n is the display number of the HTML rendering server. (Example: 'mysystem.xland.company.com:1').

  6. Click OK.

  7. Save changes to the master WAS configuration file.

  8. To stop and restart the server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers, where server1 is the name of the WAS and WebSphere_Portal is the name of the WebSphere Portal server:

    1. Open a command prompt and change to the profile_root/bin directory.

    2. Enter the stopServer server1 -username admin_userid -password admin_password command to stop the WAS.

    3. Enter the stopServer WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password command to stop the WebSphere Portal server.

    4. Enter the startServer server1 command.

    5. Enter the startServer WebSphere_Portal command.

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Rendering documents on i5/OS

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Configure an HTML rendering server on i5/OS