Add an LDAP user registry on Linux
You can add multiple LDAP user registries to the default federated repository.
If Lotus Domino will be one of the user registries in a multiple registry configuration, store groups in a hierarchical format as opposed to the default flat-naming structure.
For example, the flat-naming convention is...
...and the hierarchical format is...
In a single server environment the WebSphere_Portal and server1 servers can be either stopped or started.
In a clustered environment stop all appservers on the system including WebSphere_Portal and server1 and then start the nodeagent and deployment manager servers before starting the following task.
Perform the following steps on the primary node only. Repeat these steps for each additional LDAP user registry:
Use the helper file, located in...
...when performing this task to ensure the correct properties are entered. In the instructions below, when the step refers to, use the helper file.
- Edit...
- Set the following parameters in under the VMM Federated LDAP Properties heading:
- federated.ldap.port
- federated.ldap.bindDN
- federated.ldap.bindPassword
- federated.ldap.ldapServerType
- federated.ldap.baseDN
- Set a value for the following required entity types parameters in under the LDAP entity types heading:
- Set a value for the following required group member parameters in under the Group member attribute heading:
- Save changes to
- If WCM is installed with the Intranet and Internet Site Templates, set the following parameters in under the Web Content Management attribute heading...
- WcmContentAuthorsGroupId
- WcmContentAuthorsGroupCN
- Validate the LDAP server settings...
./ validate-federated-ldap -DWasPassword=password
Note that if you have not deleted the default file repository, WasPassword is the value entered during installation and not a value found in your LDAP user registry.
- Add an LDAP user registry to the default federated repository...
cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
./ wp-create-ldap -DWasPassword=passwordUsers who are not in an LDAP do not have awareness and cannot see if other users are online. This can happen if install WebSphere Portal and then enable a Federated LDAP or Federated database user repository that does not contain that user. Also, users who sign up using the Self Care portlet do not have awareness.
- Propagate the security changes:
Option Description Standalone
- cd profile_root/bin
./ server1 -username admin_userid -password admin_password- cd profile_root/bin
./ WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password- cd profile_root/bin
./ server1- cd profile_root/bin
./ WebSphere_Portal
- cd dmgr_profile/bin
./ admin_userid -password admin_password- cd profile_root/bin
./ -username admin_userid -password admin_password- cd profile_root/bin
./ WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password- cd dmgr_profile/bin
./ cd profile_root/bin
./ cd profile_root/bin
./ WebSphere_Portal
- Optional: Create additional base entries within the LDAP user registry. Repeat these steps for each base entry that you want to create for multiple realm support:
- Edit...
- Enter a value for the following parameters under the VMM repository base entry configuration heading to create additional base entries within the LDAP user registry to use when creating realms:
- Save changes to
- Run...
./ wp-create-base-entry -DWasPassword=password
profile_root/ConfigEngine create a base entry in a repository.
- Cycle all necessary servers to propagate changes.
- Optional: Run...
./ wp-query-repository -DWasPassword=password
profile_root/ConfigEngine list the names and types of configured repositories.
- Run...
./ wp-validate-federated-ldap-attribute-config -DWasPassword=password
profile_root/ConfigEngine check that all defined attributes are available in the configured LDAP user registry.
After configuring LDAP, you can adapt the attribute configuration
- Perform the following steps to update the user registry where new users and groups are stored:
For multiple LDAP user registries and/or a database user registry, only run this task for the user registry that you want to define as the default user registry where new users and groups are stored.
During installation, the default file repository creates a default value in the personAccountRdnProperties and groupRdnProperties parameters.
To change the default value, run this task twice; once to clear the default value and once to add the new value.
- Edit...
- Enter a value for the following parameters under the VMM supported entity types configuration heading:
- Save changes to
- Run...
./ wp-set-entitytypes -DWasPassword=password
profile_root/ConfigEngine delete the old attributes before adding the new attributes.
- Cycle all necessary servers to propagate changes.
- Enable the full distinguished name login if the short names are not unique for the realm:
- Edit...
- Enter a value for realmName or leave blank to update the default realm.
- Save changes to
- Enable distinguished name login...
cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
./ wp-modify-realm-enable-dn-login -DWasPassword=passwordTo disable the feature...
./ wp-modify-realm-disable-dn-login -DWasPassword=password task
- Cycle all necessary servers to propagate changes.
- Optional: Run the Member Fixer task to update the member names used by Web Content Management with the corresponding members in the LDAP directory. This step ensures that access to the Web content libraries for the Intranet and Internet Site Templates for the contentAuthors group is correctly mapped to the appropriate group in the LDAP directory.
Required if you ran configure-express when installing portal.
- Edit...
- Add the following lines to the file:
uid=xyzadmin,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -> portal_admin_DN
cn=contentauthors,o=defaultWIMFileBasedRealm -> content_authors_group_DNReplace portal_admin_DN with the distinguished name of the portal administrator and content_authors_group_DN with the distinguished name of the content authors group used during LDAP configuration.
- Save changes and close the file.
- Run...
cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
./ action-express-memberfixer -DmemberfixerRealm=realm_name -DPortalAdminPwd=password -DWasPassword=passwordWhere realm_name...
LDAP Type Value Standalone Matches the value of standalone.ldap.realm in Federated Matches the value of federated.realm in If the value for federated.realm is empty, use defaultWIMFileBasedRealm.
- If you have created any additional WCM libraries, run the Web content member fixer task to update the member names used by the libraries.
- Optional: This step is required in a production environment. Before removing the file system repository, perform the following steps to replace the WAS and WebSphere Portal administrator user ID with users that exists in the LDAP user registry:
Before changing the user ID and password, review Special characters in user ID and passwords located under Planning for WebSphere Portal.
If you run these tasks after you create the cluster, run them on all nodes in the cluster.
- Run...
./ wp-change-was-admin-user -DWasPassword=password -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword
profile_root/ConfigEngine replace the old WAS administrative user with the new user.
Provide the full distinguished name for the newAdminId and newAdminGroupId parameters.
- Verify that the task completed successfully.
In a clustered environment, restart the deployment manager, the node agent(s), server1, and WebSphere_Portal servers. In a standalone environment, restart the server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers.
- Run...
./ wp-change-portal-admin-user -DWasPassword=password -DnewAdminId=newadminid -DnewAdminPw=newpassword -DnewAdminGroupId=newadmingroup
to replace the old WebSphere Portal administrative user with the new user.
This task verifies the user against a running server instance.
If the server is stopped, add the -Dskip.ldap.validation=true parameter to the task to skip the validation.
- Verify that the task completed successfully.
In a clustered environment, restart the deployment manager, the node agent(s), server1, and WebSphere_Portal servers. In a standalone environment, restart the server1 and WebSphere_Portal servers.
- Optional: This step is required in a production environment. Remove the file system repository if you do not use it. The federated file system user repository that was the default security setting might not be required after federating the user repository. If the file system repository is no longer needed, removing it can help prevent conflicts created by duplicate user identities existing in multiple repositories. See Deleting the repository for information under the Configuring WebSphere Portal > Managing the user registry > Deleting the user registry configurations section of the Information Center.
Parent topic:
Configure a federated LDAP user registry on Linux
Related tasks
Adapting the attribute configuration
Deleting the repository on Linux
Related information
User IDs and passwords