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Change driver types

WebSphere Portal requires either JDBC Type 2 or Type 4 drivers. View the steps to switch from one driver type to the other. Before you begin, ensure that the following conditions are met:

If WebSphere Portal is installed on the same machine as the DB2 server and you switch from a JDBC Type 4 connection to a JDBC Type 2 connection, verify that you have created the alias names for the DB2 databases as described in Creating remote databases and that the alias names are specified for the databases in the file wkplc_comp.properties.

When switching from a JDBC Type 2 connection to a JDBC Type 4 connection, remove the database alias names and refer to the databases directly.

This is required because of a limitation in the DB2 Universal JDBC driver.


Installing DB2

Create users

Creating remote databases

Modifying database properties

Set up DB2

Configure DB2 for large file handling in Web Content Management

  1. Open a command prompt and change to the directory profile_root/ConfigEngine.

  2. Using a JDBC Type 2 driver only, export the DB2 user profile that created when installing DB2 onto the administrative user using the following command. This command gives that administrative user rights over DB2.

    . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
    where db2inst1 represents your database instance

    You must complete this step before running database tasks and before enabling security to create a suitable JDBC driver.

  3. Enter the following commands to validate configuration properties.

    ./ConfigEngine.sh validate-database-driver -DTransferDomainList=release,customization,community,jcr,feedback,likeminds -DWasPassword=password

    ./ConfigEngine.sh validate-database-connection -DTransferDomainList=release,customization,community,jcr,feedback,likeminds -DWasPassword=password

  4. From the same command prompt as the previous steps, change to the directory profile_root/bin.

  5. Stop both WAS and the WebSphere Portal server:

    Option Description
    WAS ./stopServer.sh server1-username admin_userid -password admin_password
    WebSphere Portal ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -username admin_userid -password admin_password

  6. cd profile_root/ConfigEngine.

  7. To change from one supported driver to the other, to connect the database, including only the domains that require the switch.

    ./ConfigEngine.sh connect-database -Drelease.DbPassword=password
     -Dcustomization.DbPassword=password -Dcommunity.DbPassword=password
     -Djcr.DbPassword=password -Dfeedback.DbPassword=password

  8. Change to the directory profile_root/bin.

  9. Enter the following command to start the WebSphere Portal server: ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal

Parent topic:

Prepare DB2 on HP-UX, Linux, and Solaris for a stand-alone production server

Previous topic:

Configure DB2 for large file handling in Web Content Management