Add a BPI-enabled portal server to a managed cell in a cross-cell setup



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If you are adding a BPI-enabled portal server to a managed cell or using the BPI-enabled portal server as a primary node to build an WebSphere Portal cluster, perform this procedure after you have federated the portal or created the cluster.

  1. On the federated portal server or primary node of the portal cluster, edit...


  2. Verify that the value of the property pi.IsCrossCell is set to true and set the values for the properties...

    • pi.ProcessServerHostAddress
    • pi.ProcessServerBootstrapPort

  3. Run...



      cd profile_root/ConfigEngine
      ConfigEngine.bat post-federation-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

  4. If you already added secondary nodes, run the following tasks on the nodes:

      ConfigEngine.bat wps-client-post-install-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password
      ConfigEngine.bat setup-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

  5. If you are adding secondary nodes to a portal cluster, run the following tasks on the nodes:

      ConfigEngine.bat wps-client-post-install-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password
      ConfigEngine.bat setup-wp.processintegration.config -DWasPassword=password

Parent topic:

Understand cross-cell deployment scenarios