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davfs2 file system driver

The davfs2 file system driver supports WebDAV for WebSphere Portal.

To connect to WebDAV for WebSphere Portal by using the davfs2 file system driver, proceed as follows:

  1. Open a terminal window.

  2. Create a target folder to which you want the drive to be attached, for example mkdir $HOME/dav .

  3. Enter the appropriate command. For example, for working with portal pages and static content this could be:

    sudo mount -t davfs -o nolocks,rw http://remote_host:10040/webdav/dav/contentmodel/wps.content.root/

    As a result, a prompt asks for the user name and password. The URL in the example above is for using WebDAV for working with portal content.

  4. Enter the user name and password.

  5. After successful login you should be able to access the WebDAV service. By the example above, you would be able to browse the content model as follows: ls $HOME/dav/ibm.portal.Home .

  6. For more options on mounting dav shares refer to the davfs2 ReadMe file.

You can now work with your content as required.

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