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Prepare for remote search service

Get an overview of how you prepare the portal system for remote search service. You can provide remote search service by either using EJB or SOAP.


You might consider disabling security before working with the remote search service for development or evaluation purposes.

In this case disable global security on the IBM WAS server on which install the remote search before you enable the remote search service for the portal. Proceed by the following steps:

  1. Access the administrative console.

  2. Depending on your version of WAS, make the appropriate selection:

    • For WAS v6.1:

      Click Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure.

    • For WAS v7:

      Click Security > Global security.

  3. Deselect Enable application security.

  4. This configuration takes effect after restarting IBM WAS. You will perform the required restart in a later step of the following procedure.

In order to enable the remote search service, perform the following steps on the machine where you want to install the remote service:

  1. Copy the files WebScannerSoap.ear, WebScannerEjbEar.ear, and PseLibs.zip to the PROFILE_HOME/installableApps directory on the machine on which you want to install the remote search service. You find these files in the directory PortalServer_root/installableApps of the portal installation.

  2. Depending on the requirements of your environment, install one of the two applications WebScannerEJbEar.ear or WebScannerSoap.ear on a server server1 . Proceed by the following steps:

    1. Access the administrative console.

    2. Depending on your version of WAS, make the appropriate selection:

      • For WAS v6.1:

        Click Applications > Install New Application.

      • For WAS v7:

        Click Applications > New Application.

    3. Browse and select WebScannerEjbEar.ear or WebScannerSoap.ear, depending on whether you are using EJB or Web service via SOAP.

    4. Click Next.

    5. On the following panels accept the default settings.

    6. A message confirms that the application PSEStandalone (for EJB) or the application WebScannerEar (for SOAP) was installed successfully.

    7. Click Save to Master Configuration.

    8. Click Save.

  3. Required: This step is required if you use Document Conversion Services.

    1. Install remote document conversion services on server1.

      You do not need to delegate all conversion tasks from the WebSphere Portal to server1.

      You only need to install the remote conversion services.

    2. Invoke the admin console and select Environment > Shared Libraries. Create a new shared library named PSE with a classpath as follows:


      ...where cell_name is the IBM WAS cell name where DCS is installed.

    3. Click Apply > Save > Save to save your changes.

  4. Extract the Portal Search libraries and add them to the classpath on server1. To do this...

    1. Create a directory with the name extract under the directory installableApps.

    2. Locate the file PseLibs.zip in the directory installableApps and extract its content into the directory extract that created in the previous step.

    3. Open the administrative console.

    4. Click Environment > Shared Libraries.

    5. Create or modify the new shared library names PSE.

    6. Add the libraries extract/lib to the classpath by adding a new line to the classpath and giving the full path: PROFILE_HOME/installableApps/extract/lib . PROFILE_HOME is the profile directory of your WAS installation.

    7. Click Apply > Save to save your changes to the configuration.

  5. Define a new Classloader for server1. To do this...

    1. Access the administrative console.

    2. Depending on your version of WAS, make the appropriate selection in the administrative console:

      • For WAS v6.1:

        Click Servers > Application Servers.

      • For WAS v7:

        Click Servers > Server types > WebSphere appservers.

    3. Click server1.

    4. Under Server Infrastructure > Java and Process Management, click Classloaders.

    5. Click New and then Apply.

    6. Under Additional Properties, click Libraries, then click Add.

    7. Select the Library Name PSE from the drop-down list and click OK.

    8. Save changes to the configuration.

  6. On the administrative console, determine the required values for configuring the portlet parameters, depending on whether you are using EJB or Web service via SOAP:

    • For EJB:

      Determine the value for the port under Servers > Application Servers > YourAppServer1 > Communications > Ports > BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS.

    • For SOAP:

      Determine the value for the port number for the SOAP URL parameter. The appropriate port number for the SOAP URL parameter is the port on which the appserver runs, in other words, the HTTP transport on which Server1 is configured to run. Determine the correct port number from Application servers > server1 > Ports > WC_defaulthost. The WC_defaulthost value is 10000; therefore, if you did not change the default, you can use this value. Verify the port number that is set in the following file matches this port:

      Replace the variables as follows:

      • PROFILE_HOME is the profile directory of your WAS installation.

        For example, this can be:


      • cell is the cell name of your remote search machine.

      • WebScannerEar.ear is the name that you gave to the Enterprise Application when installed the WebScannerSoap.war file.

      Edit the file and look for the port given in the value for the SOAP address location. Example:

      <soap: address location="http://localhost:your_port_no/WebScannerSOAP/servlet/rpcrouter"/> .

      In the example the port is your_port_no .

      The default value for the SOAP WC_defaulthost is 10000.

  7. In the administrative console, under Resources > Asynchronous beans > Work managers, create a new Work manager named PSEWorkManager with the following attributes:

    Name:                       PSEWorkManager
    JNDI Name:                  wps/searchIndexWM
    Minimum Number of Threads:  20
    Maximum number of Threads:  60
    Growable =                  True (Ensure that the Growable check box is selected.) 
    Service Names:              Application Profiling Service, WorkArea, Security, Internationalization

  8. Click Apply > Save to save your changes to the configuration.

  9. Start the application:

    1. Open the administrative console.

    2. Depending on your version of WAS, make the appropriate selection:

      • For WAS v6.1:

        Click Applications > Enterprise Applications.

      • For WAS v7:

        Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

    3. Scroll to PSEStandalone or WebScannerEar.

      You can use the filter feature to search for these names.

    4. Click the check box and click Start. A message confirms that the application started successfully.

  10. Required: This step is required only if you work with EJB on a secure server: Set the search user ID.

  11. Required: This step is required only if you disabled security or set the search user ID by one of the optional previous steps: Restart the WAS.

  12. Configure HTTPs for the Seedlist servlet. The Seedlist servlet requires HTTPs by default. Therefore, when you access the servlet via HTTP, then WAS redirects you to HTTPs.

    This step is relevant for portal and WCM content, and not for regular Web crawling. When the cluster is configured with Web server SSL disabled, disable HTTPs redirection. Proceed by the following steps:

    1. Download the file wp.search.seedlist.ear from the directory PortalServer_root/installedApps.

    2. Open the WAR file wp.search.servlets.seedlist.war.

    3. Edit the file web.xml in the WAR file.

    4. Change the following code:

      as follows:


    5. Redeploy the EAR file to the cluster.

  13. Check that your remote search configuration works correctly.

  14. If required, re-enable security on the WAS.

  15. Back on the portal, configure Portal Search for remote search service.

Parent topic:

Use remote search service

Related tasks

Prepare security for remote search service in a single-signon domain
Set the search user ID
Configure Portal Search for remote search service
Configure the Search and Browse portlet for local or remote search