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Add a blog or blog library to a page

Add a blog to a page to collaborate with your team on a single topic. Add a blog library to a page to collaborate with your team on multiple topics in a centralized view.

  1. Create a page to contain the blog.

  2. Click Customize to add a blog or blog library to the page. See Add content for more information on adding content to a page using the Customize link.

    • By clicking Customize, you are copying the IBM Lotus Web Content Management template library used to create a blog or blog library and placing an instance of the JSR 286 Web Content Viewer to a page.

    • The name that you provide for your blog or blog library will display as the portlet title, library display title, and library name when using alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following characters: such as $ - _ . ! ( ) ,. Other characters will be replaced in the actual library name with characters that are supported by a by a Web Content Management library.

After adding a blog to a page, click Create Post to add content. To modify your content, click Edit.

To delete a post, click Delete.

After adding a blog library to a page, click Create Blog and Create Post to add content. To modify your content, click Edit.

To delete a post, click Delete.

Parent topic:

Work with blogs

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