Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Adding IBM WebSphere Portal JAR Files

If you plan to use any Java APIs that are not already included in your IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory web application project, you need to add the corresponding JAR files to your environment.

Add the corresponding JAR files as external libraries in the WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer plug-in lib directory and in the WebSphere Portlet Factory lib directory. Follow these steps to add an external library to the project Java build path in your WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer environment.

  1. In your Integrated Development Environment (IDE), right-click on your WebSphere Portlet Factory project and click Properties.

  2. In the Properties for your project dialog, click Java Build Path.

  3. Click Libraries and Add External JARs.

  4. In the JAR Selection dialog, specify the JARs to add.

  5. Click OK in the JAR Selection dialog and click OK in the Properties for your project dialog.

Parent topic: Development of portlets

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