Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Properties used by WebServiceEnable or inbound SOAP request processing

Properties are available to control the behavior of service-related operations.

These properties should be set in the project WEB-ING/config/override.properties file.


log4j logging properties


Activates debugging when set to DEBUG.


AXIS properties


true means that AXIS checks its config file and anything deployed dynamically, before it asks to search for models implementing a namespace.

false means that AXIS asks to find a model matching a namespace, and only checks its config file (or dynamically deployed descriptors) if no match is found.


true means that, if IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory finds a model implementing a namespace, WebSphere Portlet Factory deploys the descriptor it builds into the AXIS runtime config. This descriptor is available for use when another request for that namespace arrives.

false means do not deploy. If WebSphere Portlet Factory finds a namespace match and returns it to AXIS to use on this request, it gets thrown away afterwards and AXIS needs to ask WebSphere Portlet Factory to search again if that namespace comes in again on another SOAP request.

Parent topic: Web Service Enable builder

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