Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Configuration Example – Login/Role

For requests to models under the above protected models, where a user is not already authenticated, the application server's servlet container will itself force the request to perform a login before sending the request on to the original URL destination (if authenticated and authorized based on the specified role(s)). The following example illustrates Login Configuration from a J2EE standard web.xml configuration file for use with the above security constraints.

Note: The login.html page referenced must contain the following items that the Servlet Container's login handling code will look for:

  • Form tag with an action of j_security_check (a well known J2EE standard action for login)

  • Two inputs:

    • j_username

    • j_password

  • JSP Error PageThe error page is where the user is sent upon failed authentication (bad login) or authorization (not a member of a role allowed by the Security Constraint that triggered this login). This page might have a "Back" link to allow a user to try again.
    <login-config id="LoginConfig_1">
    <realm-name>Form Authentication</realm-name>
    <form-login-config id="FormLoginConfig_1">

For use of roles across multiple WARs in an EAR, roles can be defined in an EAR file's META-INF/application.xml file.

Parent topic: Overview: security methodologies

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