Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Domino Data Access builder inputs

This topic describes the inputs for the Domino Data Access builder.


General Inputs

Table 1. General Inputs
Input name Description
Name Name for this builder call. The WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer displays this name in the builder call list.
Properties File Select the name of the property file that contains basic Domino® connection information.

This file is located normally in the project WEB-INF/config/domino_config directory. For example: default_domino_server.properties

Note: You can override settings established in this file by using the Connection Override inputs in this builder.

Get databases and views Click this button to access the Domino server and return an alphabetically sorted list of available databases on the server.
Database Name Open this list and select the Domino database containing the views and information to display in your portlet or widget. This list contains the relative file names of the available databases. For example: catalog.nsf or help\readme.nsf

The views associated with the selected database are displayed in the View Name input.

Enable Schema Caching Enable the caching of the schema for the specified Domino view. The builder regeneration phase uses a cached version of the view document and form schema. If a different database or view or form is selected, a new version of the schema is cached.

Enabling this option provides the following benefits:

  • Enhanced performance during editing models containing this builder.

  • Enhanced security because a cached schema avoids exposing model generation time credentials once an initial regeneration is performed. To leverage this security, specify separate runtime credentials (see the Runtime Credentials input).

Note: If the schema for the data changes on the Domino server, disable this input, regenerate the model, and enable this input again.

Runtime Credentials Select Domino security credentials for use during execution. These credentials are used when the portlet or widget containing the Domino view is run. You can select:

Use regen credentials specified above

At runtime, use the same credentials specified for regeneration.

Specify credentials

Specify a user name and password for use at runtime.

Note: When this selection is enabled, two additional builder inputs are displayed.

Use LTPA Token

Use WebSphere Domino LTPA-based SSO (servers must be configured appropriately). A link is added to the page for editing user-specific credentials.
Runtime user name This input is available if Specify credentials is selected in the Runtime Credentials input.

Provide a Domino user name.

The name entered here is used for all requests to the Domino server made at runtime.

Runtime password This input is available if Specify credentials is selected in the Runtime Credentials input.

Provide a Domino password associated with the user name above.

The password entered here is used for all requests to the Domino server made at runtime.


View Support

Table 2. View Support inputs
Input name Description
Enable View Support Check this option to enable your application to render views from a Domino database. Unchecking this option is intended for applications that only need to render elements from a document or form in a database. If this option is unchecked, the other inputs in View Support are not available.
View Name Open this list and select the Domino view to display in your portlet or widget. This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Note: Hidden views are not included in the list of available views. To access a hidden view, enter the name of the view.

Rows to Include Specify which rows in the view are included on the page. You can select:

  • Document rows only

  • All rows

  • Category rows only

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Category (Optional) This input exercises Domino category functionality and can be used to request a single category of a view.

This is based on the first categorized column in the view. A string match of the category is attempted as if you were doing a quick-search on the selected view. For example, for a selected view that lists US cities categorized by US state name, specifying Colorado returns only view entries under the Colorado category.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Search String (Optional) Provide a text string to use as search criteria. This input exercises Domino search functionality and allows you to do a full text search on the selected view content.

Note: For best performance, ensure that the Domino database has full text search enabled.

The following examples, based on the Films database, illustrate the syntax used in this search function:

field Keywords contains war field Director contains spielberg  field AFIRank=22

Combine search strings using AND as follows:

field Keywords contains war AND field Director contains altman

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.


Document Support

Table 3. Document Support inputs
Input name Description
Enable Document and Form Support (Optional) Creates a schema-typed variable for use with the getDocumentData method.
Form To Use For Document Schema Enter the name of a Domino form that is to be used to generate a document schema. (This provides more control over the document schema generation.)

If this input is empty, the document schema is generated by looking at all the items present in the first page of the view.

Retrieve Rich Text Items as HTML When getDocumentData is invoked on the DominoHelper class, it uses HTTP requests to the Domino server to get HTML for any rich text items in the document. When these fields are displayed in a page, the appearance matches the HTML rich text appearance from the Domino server.

This feature is suitable for display only, not for updating.

Because this functionality uses HTTP access to the Domino server, it requires HTTP to be enabled on the Domino server. If Lightweight Third Party Authentication (LTPA) is being used, the LTPA cookie is passed to the HTTP call. Otherwise, the user ID and password specified in the builder are sent using HTTP Basic Authentication

Create Operation for Retrieving Documents By Column Values Enable to create a getDocumentsByKey data service to use to retrieve document data based on sorted column values within the selected view. By default, exact matches are returned. Use the setDocsByKeyExactMatch LJO method to configure exact or partial matching.
Result Type This input is available if the Create Operation for Retrieving Documents By View Column Values input is enabled. Whether the getDocumentsByKey result variable is one of the following types.

  • Single record. The result variable is schema-typed to the document element.

  • Multiple records. The result variable is schema-typed to the document collection element.


Optional Schema Settings

Table 4. Optional Schema Settings inputs
Input name Description
View Top Element Name Specifies the top-level element name for view data. Leave blank to use the default: ViewData. This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.
View Row Element Name Specifies the row element name for view data. Leave blank to use the default: Row. This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.
Document Element Name Specifies the top-level element name for document data. Leave blank to use the default: DocumentItems.
Include UNID In Document Schema Enable to have a UNID element added to the schema for documents. Enable this setting when making a service input for updating a document.


Connection Override

Table 5. Connection Override inputs
Input name Description
Host Server Enter the host name (and port number if not port 80) of the Domino server. For example:
User Name for Generation Provide a Domino server user name. This name is used for all requests to the Domino server.

The generation credentials are used to access the Domino server from IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer. They are used for regenerating the model on the server, and such requests can be made at both design time and at regeneration time.

Password for Generation Provide a Domino server password associated with the user name above. This password is used for all requests to the Domino server.

The generation credentials are used to access the Domino server from IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer. They are used for regenerating the model on the server, and such requests can be made at both design time and at regeneration time.



Table 6. Advanced inputs
Input name Description
Fetch Subsets of Data If a large amount of data is to be returned, and the model uses paging to view a specific number of rows, enable this input. When enabled, this input allows more efficient paging of data from Domino APIs to the WebSphere Portlet Factory XML representation. If you plan to use the Data Page or Data View builders to display paged data, the increased efficiency is desirable. This input applies to document-only Domino data fetches using IIOP. This input has no effect when the following conditions are true:

  • HTTP Access is used.

  • The Rows to Include input is either All Rows or Category Rows Only.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Row Count Calculation This input is available if the Fetch Subsets of Data input is set. When the application supplies paged data, specify how the overall row count should be calculated. The following options are available.

Automatically calculate count

When data is initially retrieved, the total number of rows is obtained by calling a method in Domino.

Leave count unspecified

The total number of rows is not known when data is initially retrieved. Typically the paging user interface does not display the total number of rows, and the user can keep asking for the next set of rows until no more rows are available.

Use custom count

Specify the value in the Row Count input.
Row Count This input is available if the Use custom count option in the Row Count Calculation input is set.

Specify the total number of rows.

Use HTTP Access Enable to use the HTTP method of retrieving all rows in an IBM Lotus® Domino view. If this input is enabled, all rows are returned regardless of the value specified in the Rows To Include input.

If a search string or category is specified in the Search String or Category input, this input has no effect and the builder uses Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP) access.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Include Untitled Columns Enable to display Domino view columns that have no name or title. By default, this builder hides untitled and unnamed columns. Such columns are displayed in the portlet or widget when this input is enabled.

The absence of a column title is not a good measure of whether a column should be displayed. Typically, most categorized columns are not titled. Usually you have a mix of untitled columns that should be displayed (categories, columns with icons) and columns that should not be displayed (hidden sort columns). You can always hide unwanted columns with a Data Field Modifier builder.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Log View Data Enable to cause view data information to be written to the log. The log4j logger DebugTracing is used as the output. The info level for this logger must be at least INFO, which is the default.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Omit URL Column Enable to suppress the generation of a URL column for view data. This column holds the URL for launching Domino in its own window. In many applications, this capability is not required.

This input is available if the Enable View Support input is checked.

Create Empty Fields Specifies how the builder handles fields with empty values when it creates and updates IBM Lotus Notes® documents.

If this input is enabled, empty fields are created in the Lotus Notes document for all fields from the document schema that do not have a value in the builder nameview_document variable. (This behavior mimics the Lotus Notes client when it creates or updates documents.) For example, if a user did not enter a value for a field in an HTML form, or if a field was hidden using a Rich Data Definition builder, an empty field is still created in the Lotus Notes document.

If this input is disabled, empty fields are removed from the Lotus Notes document.

Parent topic: Domino Data Access builder

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