Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Customizing the tree display

You can control the display of the nodes and leaves of the tree with an XML structure stored in a variable or returned by a method or service. The XML structure declares the Opened Node, Closed Node, and Leaf Node images, the caption, and data information for each element in the Tree Data structure. Elements whose image, caption, and data information is not explicitly defined in a specific NodeStyle element use the images and caption information defined by the DefaultNodeStyle element.


  • Any NodeStyle elements not defined for a particular node in the tree will get their values from the DefaultNodeStyle element in the TreeStyle structure.

  • Paths to image files are relative to IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory's servable_content_root/factory/classes directory, which is where the code for the Tree applet resides.

Parent topic: Tree builder

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