Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


List builder

Use the List builder to create a composite control that allows a user to build a list from a set of available items.

The List builder presents the user with two select lists, and a set of command buttons to operate on the items in the lists (Add, Remove, Add all, and Remove all). The available item list is called the source list. The list that is created from items in the source list is called the target list. The List builder lets you specify the orientation of the lists.

The List builder generates multiple HTML components as a group. As a result, an internal name is given to the source list. The size attribute value is set for both lists. Both lists are always multiply selectable. Other attribute settings of this builder are only set to the lists HTML components attributes.


Quick tips

Multi-select list items

You can select more than one item in the source and target lists by holding the CTRL key while selecting multiple options from the list.

Parent topic: Builder help

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