Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Calendar Picker builder

The Calendar Picker builder places a JavaScriptâ„¢ popup calendar widget on a page.

This widget is commonly used to select a date value as an input on a form. The Calendar Picker builder does the following operations.

  • Generates the calendar widget.

  • Locates the widget on a named tag on the page.

  • Fires an event.

This builder inserts a button (either a text button or an image button) and a text input on a page. Clicking the button pops up a calendar, and the date that is selected in the calendar is inserted in the text input. When the date is selected, the builder fires an onchange HTML event.

You can place two Calendar Picker builders on the same page to enable a user to select a range of dates. This is useful when you want to retrieve data over a varying lengths of time, for example, days, weeks, or months.

The Calendar Picker builder can format the selected date using a restricted set of the standard Javaâ„¢ Date formats. The allowable characters are y, M, and d. Any other character is considered a date separator.

Parent topic: Builder help

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