Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Cache Control builder

The Cache Control builder allows you to cache the output of a specific action within a model. All users in a given profile who access that model are presented with action output information drawn from a cache. Under certain circumstances, such caching can improve performance.

Action output caching is appropriate for content that is dynamically generated but changes infrequently. For example, this type of content might result from a method that makes a database call that returns results that are the same for all users.

If the data in the database is relatively static, changing only once per hour, the overhead of querying the database and generating the page every time a user accesses the model is probably not justifiable. This database scenario presents a good opportunity to cache results (in this case, a database service) and refresh those results on an hourly basis. This is what the Cache Control builder allows you to do.

Note: Cached action output is shared among users having a common profile for as long as the action output is in the cache.

Do not cache the output of a method or action list that contains a processPage(..). Process page output goes directly back to the client and is not the output of the method or action list.


About using the Cache Control builder

Use the Cache Control builder to select and configure action output caching. In this builder, set the caching properties of a specified action within the WebApp. You can:

  • Activate caching for a specific model action by selecting the action.

  • Length of the time action output is retained in the cache. Data is cleared from the action output cache once the time limit expires.

Parent topic: Builder help

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