Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Attribute Setter builder

The Attribute Setter builder modifies existing elements on a page by replacing or adding to any HTML attribute values that those elements support. Use the Attribute Setter builder to add or modify attribute values not set by builder calls. You can tailor the display of control builder calls by using the Attribute Setter builder to change the font, size, border, or any other supported attribute for the control.

To run an action as the result of a user mouse click, do not use an Attribute Setter builder. To run an action as the result of the user clicking or typing, use the HTML Event Action builder rather than an Attribute Setter builder.

When you use an Attribute Setter builder to associate a mouse attribute such as onclick with a method reference such as ${MethodCall/main}, the effect will be that, as the page is rendered, call method main and use what it returns as the value for the onclick attribute. You will not create the action that when the user clicks here, contact the server and run main again.

Parent topic: Builder help

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