
Search Tips   |   Advanced Search

Portal, V6.1


Search on secured portal sites and pages and content management items

For search on a secured local portal site Portal Search provides a pre-configured search collection. To set up your own search collection for searching your portal site, apply special security considerations. You create a dedicated crawler user ID and give that user ID access permission to the portlets and portal pages that you want to be available for search by users. This is the sum of all the access permissions to all the portal resources combined that the users have who will search the portal site. For more detailed information about this refer to Customizing your search collection for secured portal pages.


  1. IBM Lotus WCM ™ documents can be searched by portal users, as they are secured by Portal Access Control. Users can search documents to which they have the required access permissions on sites that have been search enabled. For details about content security refer to Item access controls. For details about configuring Portal Search on Web Content Management items refer to Configure a site to be searchable.

  2. You can crawl, index, and search secured portal pages only on your local portal installation. For security reasons, you cannot crawl secured pages of one portal site from another portal site.

  3. Set the preferred language of the portal site crawler user ID to match the language of the portal site search collection that it crawls. If you do this after you started a crawl on the portal site search collection, you need to reset the portal site collection. Refer to Creating or resetting the portal site collection.


Parent topic

Security considerations


Related concepts

Item access controls
Configure a site to be searchable


Related tasks

Search on Portal Search collections and other content sources
Encrypting sensitive data
Customizing your search collection for secured portal pages
Creating or resetting the portal site collection