Migrate themes



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Migrated themes should be applied to the same pages that they were designed for in the earlier version.

Migrated themes should be used with the same skins as in the earlier version.

Some skins in the current version take advantage of functions that were not available in the earlier version.

To ensure that the person tag works as expected, customized themes must be migrated to include Semantic Tag Service.

When you migrate customized themes, make sure that the current theme's header file (usually either head.jspf or head_externalJS.jspf) includes the following line at the end, just before </head>:

<script type="text/javascript" 
        src="/wps_semanticTag/javascript/semanticTagService.js?language=<%=userLocale %>" >
After updating the JSPF file, enter the following command to make the changes effective:

touch Default.jsp

As an alternative, you can edit (open and save) Default.jsp.

If you created themes with a left navigation menu in a previous version, these themes will not work in the current version because they do not have the plus (+) sign next to the page to expand the node.

To ensure that such themes function correctly, change the value of navigation.expansion.defaultstate to true.

In V5.0.1.x, themes were identified as either "administration" or "non-administration" themes. Using the Page Properties portlet, you could assign administration themes only to administration pages, and non-administration themes to non-administration pages. This restriction has been removed in the current version - themes are designed to work on all pages. As a result, you need to either manually assign migrated themes to the appropriate pages or update the migrated themes to support navigation across all pages.

If you migrate a portal page from V6.0.1.x to V6.1 and the migrated page includes a V6.0.1.x icon for its page label, the icon for the page label might not render in the target environment as a result of changes in how V6.1 handles page metadata:

Because of these changes, migrated themes may require additional adjustment to check for an empty string in addition to a null value. In the sample snippet below, the code checks for an empty string...

<portal-navigation:navigation startLevel="${themePolicy.rootNavigationStartLevel}" 


        if (wpsNavNode instanceof com.ibm.portal.MetaDataProvider) 
            com.ibm.portal.MetaData iMetaData  = ((com.ibm.portal.MetaDataProvider) wpsNavNode).getMetaData();
            //theme relative path to page icon is stored in page metadata
            Object pageIcon = iMetaData.getValue("com.ibm.portal.PageIcon");
           if(pageIcon != null && !pageIcon.toString().equals(""))
               <c:set var="pageIconUrl" >
                    <portal-logic:urlFindInTheme file='<%=pageIcon.toString()%>' /> 
               </c:set> &
               <c:set var="pageIconUrl" > 




In IBM WebSphere Portal V6.1, the V6.1 Portal theme must be used with the administrative portlets.

The administration page is marked with the unique name wps.administration, and pages under this node are set to the V6.1 Portal theme. When you migrate from an earlier version of WebSphere Portal, the old Admin pages are never migrated forward. Virtual portals are treated differently, however, and their admin pages are migrated. If the virtual portal's admin pages are under the wps.administration node, WebSphere Portal migration automatically sets these pages to the V6.1 Portal theme. If, however, the virtual portal's admin pages are located under a different page hierarchy (that is, they are not under the wps.administration node), WebSphere Portal migration does not set them to the V6.1 Portal theme. You will need to do this manually, by using the XML configuration interface. For example:

<request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" 

  <portal action="locate">

    <skin action="locate" 

    <skin action="locate" 

    <theme action="locate" 

    <content-node action="update" 
                  uniquename="<Your admin page unique name>"/>


Migration does not upgrade themes from an earlier version to use new functionality that has been introduced in more recent versions of WebSphere Portal.


Parent topic

Migrating additional components


Related tasks

Enabling new functionality in migrated themes
Set service configuration properties


Related reference

XML configuration reference


Related information

Implementing a single level of navigation