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Portal, V6.1


Install a portlet

Installing a portlet makes it available to portal users. Adding a portlet to a page makes the portlet accessible to users with the appropriate rights. Before installing a portlet you should be aware of the following requirements:

Each WAR file includes descriptive information about the portlet which is placed in a database that can be queried by other portal components. During installation, Application Server unpacks the WAR file and places the portlet classes and resources in a file system.

During the installation, the portlet state is set to active, and a new rule is automatically added to Access Control that defines the user who installed the portlet as the owner granting management access for that portlet. The user must assign the appropriate user roles to the desired users and groups so that these can access and use that portlet.

  1. Click Administration in the tool bar.

  2. Under Portlet Management in the navigation tree, click Web Modules.

  3. Click Install.

  4. Enter the location of the WAR file or click Browse to find the location of the file to install.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Verify WAR file info and click Finish to install the WAR file.

By default, portlet applications and portlets are set to an active state after installation. After you install a portlet, you can add the portlet to a page with the Portlet Palette. Add the installed portlet to a category in the Portlet Palette and then drag the portlet to the page. If you do not plan to frequently add this portlet to other pages, you can still add the portlet to a page without adding the portlet to a category. To add a portlet to the page without adding it a category, search for the installed portlet in the Portlet Palette and drag the portlet to the page.

After the installation has completed, a message appears at the top of the screen indicating a successful installation. If there are any problems during the process, an error message appears in the Manage Web Modules page. Click the View Details link to examine the error log.


Parent topic

Manage portlets and portlet applications