Import large files and images into WCM



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Because importing large files into IBM Lotus WCM can have a negative impact on performance, you can set a limit on the size of the inbound buffer used when importing files.

  1. Specify the maximum file size...

    1. Edit...

    2. Uncomment the property...


      ...and specify a value in megabytes corresponding to the size of the largest file that you want to allow to be imported. For example, if you do not want to allow files larger than 34 MB to be imported, specify...


    3. Save changes.

  2. Log in to the console for IBM WebSphere Application Server, and click...

      Servers | Application Servers | WebSphere_Portal | Server infrastructure | Administration | Custom Properties | New

  3. Enter protocol_http_large_data_inbound_buffer in the Name field.

  4. In the Value field, specify the maximum file size in bytes.

    This value should correspond to the value set for the property...


    Note that protocol_http_large_data_inbound_buffer uses bytes. If resource.maxUploadSize is set to 34MB, set to 35651584 bytes.

  5. Click Save to save your configuration changes.

  6. Restart the portal for the new buffer size setting to take effect.

To transfer files up to 1GB you can use Dropbox.

To transfer really large files (RLF) between machines you can use Amazon S3. The S3Fox add-on for Firefox allows drag and drop of files from your desktop.


Parent topic

Set up the authoring server


Related concepts

File resource element
Image element


Related tasks

Import and exporting HTML