Export the WAR file and install the portlet



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Ensure you have properly followed the steps in Finish coding the portlet JSP.

  1. Export the Rational Application Developer project to a war file called PersOffers.war.

    1. Right click on Pers_Offers and select...

      Export | WAR file

    2. In the Destination field, type filepath/PersOffers.war

    3. Select Export source files.

    4. Click Finish.

  2. Start WebSphere Portal.

  3. Log in as the Portal administrator (wpsadmin).

  4. Open...

    Administration | Portlet Management | Web Modules | Install

  5. Complete the installation of PersOffers.war. Verify installation was successful.

  6. Open Portlet Management > Portlets.

  7. Search for the Pers_Offers portlet and grant Privileged User to All Authenticated Portal Users.

  8. Create a new page called Pers Offers by completing the following steps:

    1. Select...

      Portal User Interface | Manage Pages | | Content Root | Personalization | New Page

    2. Label the Page Pers Offer.

  9. Add the Pers_Offers portlet to the page.

  10. Click Done.

    The portlet is not ready to execute yet. If you try, you will get an error.

You can now import the Personalization workspace resource collections.


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Developing a personalized portlet


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Finish coding the portlet JSP

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Import Personalization Workspace resource collections