Enable anonymous users to search public pages of your portal



Search Tips   |   Advanced Search


You can enable anonymous users (sometimes also called unauthenticated users) to search public pages of your portal by using a portal search portlet.

To do this, make the Search and Browse portlet or the Search Center portlet available on a public page of your portal, so that users can access them without having to log in to the portal. You also need to enable public sessions for your portal, as both portlets need a valid session for their run time, and by default, sessions are not enabled on anonymous pages in the portal. By default, sessions are only created when a user authenticates and logs in to the portal.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Put the Search and Browse portlet or the Search Center portlet on a public page.

  2. Give the Anonymous Portal User group access permission to the Search portlet that you make available to anonymous users, and to the page on which that portlet is. To do this, use the User and Group Permissions portlet, the Resource Permissions portlet, or the Manage Portlets and Manage Pages portlets.

  3. Give the Anonymous Portal User group access to the Search collections.

    To do this, use the User and Group Permissions portlet or the Resource Permissions portlet. From the list of Resource Types, select PSE Sources, then select the required search collections that you make available to public users, and assign the Anonymous Portal User access to those search collections.

  4. Give the Anonymous Portal User group access to the Search scope:

    1. Click...

      Administration | Manage Search | Search Scopes

    2. Locate the scope you want the anonymous user to use and click Edit Search Scope.

    3. Click Yes to enable the option Available to Anonymous Users.

  5. Enable public sessions by setting the parameter public.session to true in the portal Navigator Service.

  6. Restart both WAS and WebSphere Portal for your changes to take effect.


Parent topic

Administering Portal Search


Related tasks

Set service configuration properties


Related reference

Portal configuration services