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Portal, V6.1


Disable and enabling Portal Access Control for a WSRP Producer portal

If you use authentication by Web services security or Secure Socket Layer (SSL) client certificate to provide security for your WSRP services you also configure Portal Access Control for the Producer.

By default Portal Access Control is enabled for the Producer portal. To disable Portal Access Control when using WSRP with WebSphere Portal, deactivate the WSRP security by setting the portal configuration parameter wsrp.security.enabled in the portal Config Service to false. With this setting all portlets that your Producer portal provides can be accessed through the WSRP protocol without any authentication.

To enable Portal Access Control for the Producer portal again, set the portal configuration parameter wsrp.security.enabled in the portal Config Service to true.

For details about how to perform these tasks and for more general information about portal service parameters refer to the links given below under Related information.

To enable Portal Access Control for WSRP on a Producer portal, proceed by the following steps:

  1. Activate the WSRP security by setting the property wsrp.security.enabled to true in the portal Config Service

  2. Assign access rights based on the authentication information:


Parent topic

Preparing security for a WSRP Producer portal