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Portal, V6.1


Define rich text options

You can enter configure IBM Lotus WCM to use a third-party rich text editor in rich text fields. Before using a compatible third-party rich text editor, you should read the installation and configuration instructions of the third-party rich text editor. These should include instructions for enabling the third-party rich text editor to be used in a WCM solution.

When configuring a third-party rich text editor, you will need to copy a JSP file supplied by the third-party rich text editor. This will be used to launch the third-party rich text editor. You enter the name of this JSP file in the Rich Text Options section of the authoring portlet configuration. The JSP page must be stored within the was_profile_root/installedApps/node/wcm.ear/ilwwcm.war directory of your server.

The JSP page is also stored in the client war directory of the local rendering portlet or of the servlet or portlet that calls the JSP, if using the WCM API.

For example, to render a JSP page on a local rendering portlet, you would also need to store a copy of the JSP file under was_profile_root/installedApps/node/PA_WCM LocalRendering.ear/ilwwcm-localrende.war


Parent topic

Configure the authoring portlet


Parent topic

Customizing an authoring portlet