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Portal, V6.1


Customize your own search portlet helps

This topic describes how modify or replace the portlet helps for the Portal Search portlets.

You can customize the portlet helps for some of the Portal Search portlets by modifying or replacing them.

Customizing the Search and Browse portlet help: To customize the Search and Browse end user portlet help, configure the parameter help.jsp for the portlet. For details refer to Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet. Customizing the Search Center portlet help:

To customize the Search Center end user portlet help file...

  1. Locate the help file lwp.searchCenter.war/help/html/locale_code/p_ovr_m_usp_search.jsp .

  2. Modify the existing file according to your requirements or create your own help file and replace the existing help file with your custom help file.

You cannot move the Search Center portlet help file to a different directory location.

Customizing the Manage Search portlet help: Locate the Manage Search portlet help file juruPortletHelp.jsp . By default, its directory location is portal_server_root/WEB-INF/jsp/html/juruPortletHelp.jsp. This is defined in the file search/wp/code/wp.search.searchandbrowse/src/war/WEB-INF/portlet.xml. To modify or replace the Manage Search portlet help, do one of the following:

  1. Modify the existing help file according to your requirements.

  2. Create your own help file and replace the existing help file with your custom help file.

  3. To use a help file in a different directory location, specify that location in the filesearch/wp/code/wp.search.searchandbrowse/src/war/WEB-INF/portlet.xml .

Ensuring availability of your customized portlet help: Depending on your configuration, you might have to ensure availability of the help files appropriately. For example, if you have a cluster configuration, replicate the help file to each node or repackage and redeploy the portlet.


Parent topic

Administering Portal Search


Related reference

Configuration parameters for the Search and Browse portlet