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Portal, V6.1


Customize the WSRP resource proxy for basic authentication

You can customize the WSRP resource proxy for HTTP basic authentication. To do this, set the following property in the Config Service:

wsrp.resourceproxy.basic.auth.credentialslot = your_credential_slot

Specify a credential vault slot that contains the user ID and password credentials. The resource proxy servlet will use the credentials from the credential vault slot when fetching resources that are protected by HTTP basic authentication. The user ID and password will be sent to all remote resources that are referenced in the markup of the remote WSRP portlet. By default no value is set for this property.
After setting the property, restart the portal or the cluster for your changes to take effect.

For details about creating a credential
vault slot and about how to set configuration properties refer to the links listed below.


Parent topic

Customizing the WSRP resource proxy