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AIX - Disable step-up authentication and/or the Remember me cookie

You can disable the step-up authentication task and/or the Remember me cookie task to remove the features from your system.

Perform the following steps to disable step-up authentication and/or the Remember me cookie:

  1. Choose one of the following configuration options:

    Option Description
    Disable both step-up authentication and the Remember me cookie To disable step-up authentication and the Remember me cookie:

    1. Edit wkplc.properties located in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties.

    2. Set disable_rememberme to true in the 'Step-up Authentication and Remember Me Config' properties section.

      If disable_rememberme is not available in the wkplc.properties file, add it.

    3. Save changes to the wkplc.properties file.

    4. Run...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh disable-stepup-authentication -DWasUserid=wasuser -DWasPassword=wpsadmin

      ... from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

    Disable only step-up authentication Perform the following steps to disable only step-up authentication:

    1. Edit wkplc.properties located in WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/properties.

    2. Set disable_rememberme to false in the 'Step-up Authentication and Remember Me Config' properties section.

      If disable_rememberme is not available in the wkplc.properties file, add it.

    3. Save changes to the wkplc.properties file.

    4. Run...

      ./ConfigEngine.sh disable-stepup-authentication -DWasUserid=wasuser -DWasPassword=wpsadmin

      ... from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

    Disable only the Remember me cookie Run the ./ConfigEngine.sh disable-rememberme -DWasUserid=wasuser -DWasPassword=wpsadmin

    ... from the WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  2. Check the output for any error messages before proceeding with any additional tasks. If any of the configuration tasks fail, verify the values in the wkplc.properties file.

  3. To propagate the security changes:

    Option Description
    Stand-alone environment cd WP_PROFILE/bin
    ./stopServer.sh server1 -username adminid -password passwd
    ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -username adminid -password passwd
    ./startServer.sh server1
    ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal
    Clustered environment cd dmgr_profile_root\bin
    cd WP_PROFILE/bin
    ./stopNode.sh -username adminid -password passwd
    ./stopServer.sh server1 -username adminid -password passwd
    ./stopServer.sh WebSphere_Portal -username adminid -password passwd
    cd dmgr_profile_root\bin
    cd WP_PROFILE/bin
    ./startServer.sh server1
    ./startServer.sh WebSphere_Portal


Parent topic

Securing your environment on AIX


Related reference

Step-up authentication properties
Remember me properties