

CSS Designer

Cascading style sheets (CSS) are a tool used with HTML pages to ensure that an application has consistent colors, fonts, and sizes across all pages. It is possible to create a default style sheet when creating a new project and there are several samples included with RAD v7.5.

Usually, a good idea is to decide on the overall theme (color, fonts) for a Web application in the beginning and create the style sheet at the start of the development effort. Then, as you create the HTML and JSP files, you can select that style sheet to ensure that Web pages have a consistent look and feel. Style sheets are commonly kept in the WebContent/theme folder.

The CSS Designer is used to modify cascading style sheet *.css files. It provides two panels, the right hand side showing all the text types and their respective fonts, sizes, and colors which are all editable. On the left hand side, a sample of how the various settings will look. Any changes made are immediately applied to the design in the Page Designer if the HTML file is linked to the CSS file.

Note: An example of customizing style sheets used by a page template can be found in Customizing a style sheet.
