

Creating sequence diagrams

To create a new sequence diagram, use the New Sequence Diagram wizard that can be launched either directly from the top menu of Rational Application Developer by selecting File Æ New Æ Other Æ Modeling Æ Sequence Diagram or from within the Enterprise Explorer from the context menu of any resource, such as projects or packages.

You can also create a new sequence diagram of an existing class or interface. To do this in the Enterprise Explorer, right-click the desired source element and select Visualize Æ Add to New Diagram File Æ Sequence Diagram. After the wizard has started, you provide a name for the file that will be created to contain the content of the diagram, and specify the parent folder where this file should be stored. Clicking Finish completes the process and creates a new sequence diagram.

A sequence diagram has a corresponding diagram editor and palette on the right side offering different tools that can be used to add new elements to the diagram, such as lifelines, messages, or combined fragments. Also, there are two items in the tool palette where a solid triangle is shown right next to the item. When you click this triangle, a context menu is displayed that allows you to select another tool from this category.

A sequence diagram is enclosed in a frame. A diagram frame provides a visual border and enables the diagram to be easily reused in a different context. The frame is depicted as a rectangle with a notched descriptor box in the top left corner that provides a place for the diagram name. To change the name, select this box and enter the new name.
