SET ECHO off REM NAME: TFSSYPRV.SQL REM USAGE:"@path/tfssyprv" REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM REQUIREMENTS: REM SELECT ANY TABLE REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM AUTHOR: REM Geert De Paep REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM PURPOSE: REM Show the SYSTEM privileges a certain user has. REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM EXAMPLE: REM SYSTEM PRIVILEGES REM MARTY REM CONNECT ALTER SESSION REM CREATE CLUSTER REM CREATE DATABASE LINK REM CREATE SEQUENCE REM CREATE SESSION REM CREATE SYNONYM REM CREATE TABLE REM CREATE VIEW REM MARTY REM DBA REM EXP_FULL_DATABASE Role of 2 privs REM DBA REM IMP_FULL_DATABASE Role of 35 privs REM DBA DBA-role (+- 80 privs) REM REM --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM DISCLAIMER: REM This script is provided for educational purposes only. It is NOT REM supported by Oracle World Wide Technical Support. REM The script has been tested and appears to work as intended. REM You should always run new scripts on a test instance initially. REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Main text of script follows: set verify off set head off set feedback off set pages 20 undef naam accept naam char prompt 'Enter username to show SYSTEM privileges of: ' set termout off drop table testpriv; -- DBA_ROLE_PRIV indicates which role is granted to which user create table testpriv (grantee,granted_role,ptype) as select grantee,granted_role,'R' from sys.dba_role_privs; -- DBA_SYS_PRIV indicates which privilege is granted to which user -- directly (without using roles). insert into testpriv select distinct grantee, decode(grantee, 'DBA', 'DBA-role (+- 80 privs)', 'IMP_FULL_DATABASE','Role of 35 privs', 'EXP_FULL_DATABASE','Role of 2 privs', privilege), 'P' from sys.dba_sys_privs --where grantee != 'DBA' ; set termout on -- testpriv now contains: -- (user, role) -- (role, privs) -- (user, privs) -- So display it in a connect by format: col title format a30 heading "System privileges" trunc prompt SYSTEM PRIVILEGES break on title select lpad(grantee,length(grantee)+level*3) title, decode (ptype,'R',null,'P',granted_role) from testpriv connect by grantee = prior granted_role start with grantee = upper('&naam') /