rem Script Description: Prints the amount of tablespace, grouped by segment type rem consumed by each user. It is invaluable in planning database rem reorganization in which index segments will be separated from rem corresponding data segments. Designed to simplify correct rem choice of database tablespace sizes. rem rem Output file: spaceusage.lis rem rem Prepared By: Oracle Resource Stop rem rem Usage Information: SQLPLUS SYS/pswd rem @spaceusage.sql rem set echo off set pagesize 55 set linesize 80 set newpage 0 set feedback on spool spaceusage.lis ttitle - left 'Space Usage per Segment Type per User per Tablespace' skip 2 col owner format a10 col tablespace_name format a20 heading 'Tablespace|Name' col segment_name format a20 heading 'Seg|Name' col segment_type format a10 heading 'Seg|Type' col mbytes format 999,990.99 heading 'Mb Used' break on tablespace_name skip 2 compute sum of mbytes on segment_type compute sum of mbytes on tablespace_name compute sum of mbytes on report -- SELECT tablespace_name, segment_name, owner, segment_type, sum(bytes)/1048756 mbytes FROM DBA_SEGMENTS GROUP BY tablespace_name, segment_name, owner, segment_type ORDER BY tablespace_name, segment_name, owner, segment_type; spool off; clear breaks clear buffer clear columns clear computes set echo on set feedback on