ttitle ' Tablespace Free Space Information' skip 2 column fbytes format 999,999,999,999 heading 'Free Bytes' ; column fblocks format 999,999,999 heading 'Free |DB Blocks' ; column kount format 9,999 heading 'Free |Chunks' ; compute sum of fbytes , fblocks on report break on report select tablespace_name , sum(bytes) fbytes , sum(blocks) fblocks , count(*) kount from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name order by tablespace_name / Doc /* Determine if effectively using the data dictionary cache of the sga. */ /* If the ratio of misses to gets is more than 10 to 15%, increase */ /* the size of init.ora shared_pool_size. */ /* If the ratio of misses to gets is considerably less than 10 to 15% */ /* this means that the performance of the data dictionary cache is very */ /* good and may want to consider reducing the value of shared_pool_size.*/ /* However, reducing shared_pool_size also reduces the size of the */ /* library cache. */ /* Immediately after system startup, everything is a miss. */ # select sum(gets) "Data Dictionary Gets", sum(getmisses) "Data Dictionary Get Misses" from v$rowcache; select round(((sum(getmisses)/sum(gets))*100),2)||'%' "Misses to Gets" from v$rowcache; rem rem this looks at dictionary cache miss rate rem prompt Consider keeping this below 5% to keep the data dictionary cached in prompt the SGA. Up the SHARED_POOL_SIZE to improve this statistic. rem column dictcache format 999.99 heading 'Dictionary Cache | Ratio%' select sum(getmisses)/sum(gets) * 100 dictcache from v$rowcache /