/* Purpose: To Determine the Object Privileges Given to a User or Granted by a User Date Created: 12/19/97 Author: Krishnakumar Govindan */ Accept o prompt "Enter the Owner/Grantor of the Object Else Enter for ALL ....." Accept ob prompt "Enter the Object Name Else Enter for All ....." Accept gr prompt "Enter the Grantee Else Enter For ALL ....." Break on ow on obj on gre Col ow for a10 Heading "Obj|Owner" just left Col obj for a30 Heading "Object_Name" just left Col obt for a15 Heading "Object_Type" just left Col gre for a10 heading "Granted|To" just left Col priv for a10 heading "Privilege" just left Col opt for a13 heading "Grant|Option" just left SELECT A.Owner ow , A.Object_name obj , A.Object_type obt , D.Name gre , C.Name priv , DECODE(B.Option$,NULL,'NO', 0,'NO', 1,'YES', 'NO') opt FROM ALL_OBJECTS A , SYS.OBJAUTH$ B , TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP C , SYS.USER$ D WHERE A.Owner LIKE '%&o' AND A.Object_Name LIKE '%&ob' AND D.Name LIKE '%&gr' AND D.User# = B.Grantee# AND A.Object_Id = B.Obj# AND B.Privilege# = C.Privilege / /* Purpose: To Determine the System Privileges Belonging to a User Date Created: 12/19/97 Author: Krishnakumar Govindan */ Accept gr prompt "Enter the Grantee ....." Break on ow on obj on gre Col gre for a10 heading "Granted|To" just left Col priv for a30 heading "Privilege" just left Col opt for a13 heading "Admin|Option" just left SELECT D.Name gre , C.Name priv , DECODE(B.Option$,NULL,'NO', 0,'NO', 1,'YES', 'NO') opt FROM SYS.SYSAUTH$ B , SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP C , SYS.USER$ D WHERE D.Name LIKE '%&gr' AND D.User# = B.Grantee# AND B.Privilege# = C.Privilege /