set linesize 200 set pagesize 40 col object_name format a25 col object_id format 999999 heading 'OBJ|ID' col locked_mode format 999 heading 'OBJ|LCK' col lmode format 999 heading 'SES|LCK' col sid format 999 col status format a8 col Descrip format a10 col type format a4 col Blk heading 'BLK?' select b.object_name, a.object_id, a.locked_mode, c.lmode, decode(c.lmode,0,'None',1,'Null',2,'Row-S',3,'Row-X',4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X',6,'Exclusive') Descrip, d.sid,d.serial#, d.status, c.ctime, decode(c.block,0,'No',1,'Yes') Blk, c.type from v$locked_object a, dba_objects b, v$lock c, v$session d where a.object_id=b.object_id and c.sid=a.session_id and c.sid=d.sid order by b.object_name,c.lmode desc,c.ctime;