/* The total i/o for a single disk is the sum of phyrds and phwrts */ /* for all the database files managed by the oracle instance on the disk.*/ /* Determine the hardware/operating system limits on the capacity of the*/ /* disk. Disks operating at or near full capacity are potential sites */ /* disk contention. */ /* RATIO represents the number of physical reads to physical blocks read */ /* The closer this number is to MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT, the more likely */ /* that there are a lot of full table scans. */ select substr(name,1,30) DATA_FILE, substr(tablespace_name,1,10) tablespace, phyrds, phyblkrd, substr(trunc(phyblkrd/decode(phyrds,0,1,phyrds)),1,4) RATIO, phywrts from v$datafile df, v$filestat fs, sys.dba_data_files dbadf where df.file# = fs.file# and = dbadf.file_name order by substr(name,1,4); select name, value from v$sysstat where name like 'table scans%';